Post by Admin .x on Apr 26, 2011 19:20:00 GMT
A P R I L N E W S L E T T E R ~ I S S U E 2Welcome To The Perfect Dream's Second Newsletter with all the sites latest news and events. R U L E U P D A T EThe R U L E S have now been updated and so I hope that you will take the time to read over them again for your own benefit. A C T I V I T Y L E V E L S To be perfectly honest we need more members so I would be grateful for any advertising you could do. The more members, the more fun so feel free to invite along anyone and everyone. Don't forget to to sign the Activity Check as well! S T A F F M E M B E R SThere is now a new Co-Admin S K I N S There is a new skin just up. To see it for yourself go into Profile: Modify Profile: Select Skin and chose InkBlotz Skin by SmangiiThat's Is All For Now Hope You All Have A Brilliant New Year x