Post by Admin .x on Jan 4, 2010 1:02:32 GMT
J A N U A R Y N E W S L E T T E R ~ I S S U E 1Welcome To The Perfect Dream's First Newsletter! Hopefully we will have a new issue every month or so with all the sites latest news and events. So enjoy! R U L E U P D A T EThe R U L E S have now been updated and so I hope that you will take the time to read over them again for your own benefit. Emily .x A C T I V I T Y L E V E L S To be perfectly honest we need more members so I would be grateful for any advertising you could do. The more members, the more fun so feel free to invite along anyone and everyone. Emily .x S T A F F M E M B E R SThere is now a list of the numerous staff members (and their various accounts} for your convenience. That's Is All For Now Hope You All Have A Brilliant New Year x